Being A Fearless Ministry Leader

There is a unique challenge to building a ministry that can leave ministers susceptible to fear that other Christians may not have to deal with on a regular basis.

Being fearless is not being strong; it is not putting on a smile no matter what; it is not feeling your fear and pushing through it – a definition of courage I have heard time and time again.  Fearlessness is the total absence of fear. You must first be fearless for faith to enter in and manifest. Being fearless is the precursor to living in 100% belief and faith in the Word of God and operating in the works of Jesus upon the earth. We must have faith because it is the substance that activates heaven to come into alignment upon the earth.

The definition of fear that the Holy Spirit gave me is the lack of surrender and submission to God. God allows fear to illuminate the areas in which you don’t believe Him. If He did not allow fear,Guest Posting you would think you were okay and have no internal barometer to clearly identify the areas in which your faith is lacking. Fear is a spiritual issue. It cannot be dealt with in the natural realm alone. It doesn’t matter how many affirmations, memorizing bible verses, or positive self-talk you try to apply to fear, it does not work. You may get relief for a little while, but the fear will still be there.

When you move into fearlessness, you literally become untouchable by anything of the world. This includes Satan, any man, any circumstance – you become unmovable to the things of the natural realm. There is no financial challenge, there is no health challenge, there is nothing that can shake you. When you begin to walk through the gateway of fearlessness into the Kingdom of God, God commands Satan to take his hands off of you. We begin to operate from our Heavenly position and become operate in oneness with Christ Jesus and the Father. This is where you are to live constantly as a minister of His Word.

When ministers are fearless, it does not matter what comes your way – not even death –you fear because you know that you are the power of Jesus and you can lay hands on that person and raise them from the dead. This is the power of being fearless in ministry. As I was praying in preparation for a tele-class I am teaching on fearlessness for ministers, the Holy Spirit said:

 “Within these four quadrants lies the process of becoming fearless for My ministers. These are the four areas that they must master in their lives in order to move into fearlessness as a minister.”


He then showed me an image of a diagram that captures His teaching that I have included below. These four areas of fearlessness are Unresolved Personal Issues; Uncleannesses; Financial Provision; and ‘The Fish Bowl.’

Each of these areas stand in the way of the Lord being able to fully use His ministers as vessels. That is the ultimate goal of being a minister of the Lord. Knowing the Word is not enough, we must be true believers whose words are confirmed by signs, wonders and miracles. You become a vessel for the signs, wonders and miracles of Jesus Christ upon the earth.

With fearlessness, ministers will move from a place where we stop praying to God for people to be healed and delivered into a place where we are doing the healing and deliverance as pure vessels. The scripture tells us as ministers to deliver and heal His people. It is out of our fear as ministers a course in miracles  we continue to ask God to do it for us. He has already placed the dominion, power and authority within us and far too many ministers are not using it.
I love the church dearly because it has gotten us where we are as the Body of Christ, but one of the downfalls of traditional church has been that it is has disempowered Christians from doing the works of Jesus. In this lack of empowerment and equipping, we teach congregants to invite people to church instead of knowing how to minister to them the moment they are in need. We have been conditioned to walk up to an altar and ask another person to lay hands on us when we carry the same power of Jesus and the Father as one within us.

I was telling a friend of mine yesterday that I will praise God when we begin to see a true model of the church operating where people are equipped to do the works of Jesus. When this happens, we can be sitting the pew with a person next to us in a wheelchair and we will know how to be a vessel for their healing right then and there. It is our responsibility to equip the people of God to operate in the things of Jesus.

But before we are able to fully equip the people of God, we have to move through these four quadrants. The first quadrant, Unsolved Personal issues, contains our feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, any remaining brokenness and unforgiveness. It also includes partially-healed past emotional wounds left over from broken heartedness, broken marriages, prodigal children, and all of the things the leave our inner self feeling wounded. Anything that whispers inadequacy from our past is what is in this first quadrant.

This quadrant is especially important because as ministers we often come to the Lord and are called out of our brokenness. There would not be anymore “church hurts” if ministers handled this. Ministers would be comfortable with the gifts of those the Lord has entrusted us because ministers would no longer be insecure or threatened by the gifts of those in the congregation. Out of insecurity and inadequacy, we literally squelch the Holy Spirit from manifesting in its fullness through us.

Now praise God for the anointing so it can come and override all of that, but then we move back into ourselves with our insecurities, bad habits, addictions and rough edges. You must take the time to do your self-work as a minister. Because it is blocking you from reaching the very people to which God has called you. We must move through those personal unresolved issues.



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