Let the silence begin! The best way of communicating with difficult people ... using the power of silence … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I am a difficult person and i really know what a difficult person is.

I had hundred of conflicts with lots of people.

Every time i believe i am right ... i continue arguing till i succeed to send my message.

But the real truth is that after the argue stops .. i realize i lost my energy for nothing.

I could just close the conflict right away ... by simple smiling and leave ... but i preferred to lose money, friendships and lots of opportunities just to prove i am right.

I sometimes had huge loses ... but i continued doing the same ... on and on and on.

My life had lots of chapters as that and even if i studied the management of conflict ... i could not see the way out of this labyrinth.

But one day ... I suddenly discovered i can just ... let the silence begin.

I started to get rid of the trend ... of becoming angry ... and just think of a way of connecting to people in a beautiful way .... but also disconnect from the world when i don’t want to interact with them anymore.

The silence taught me to cut the cords with the people i interacting in


a negative way.

But ... on the other hand ... i looked around me and did not saw anymore so many people as i used to see in the past.

Most of them disappeared forever.

And most of the time ... it was just me with myself.

But the funny thing is that i did not knew myself ... and i started to understand who am i ... what i want.

All those long moments ... i started to ask my soul ... why did i run away for such a long time ... avoiding to have a close connection?

I looked only into the outside world ... refusing to spend time me with myself.

But ... in the end ... when the silence began to appear ... i started a new chapter for my life.

I started to see the message behind the message ... and did not liked what i saw.

I was having a conflict ... not with the other people, but with ... myself.

I had a problem with the connection of my soul ... and thought that by trying to control the outside world ... i will hide very well the real truth.

But the silence appeared.

... and then ... my soul appeared also ... asking to be friends ... forever.

Dare to meet yourself!


Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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